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November 29, 2021archeology, peru, travel guides
21 Best Ancient Ruins to Visit in Peru
Learn about the best ancient ruins to visit in Peru with this diverse index of archaeological sites. From Incan temples to Ancient Chimú cities, this list leaves nothing out.
Quipu: The Ancient Computer of the Inca Civilization
Learn about the history and purpose of the quipu, with insights from anthropologist and best-selling author of The Last Days of the Incas Kim MacQuarrie.
October 26, 2020archeology, peru
Moche Civilization: Northern Peru’s Ancient Artisans
Learn all about an ancient Peruvian culture, the Moche civilization. Their artifacts allow us to learn more about their daily life, history, religion, societal roles, and more.
Gocta Waterfall: Peru’s Tallest Free-falling Cascade
Visit one of the world's tallest waterfalls on your trip to Peru! Learn all about the Gocta Waterfall, a breathtaking place where the Amazon Rainforest meets the Andes Mountains.
September 18, 2020archeology, peru, travel guides
Kuelap Fortress: The Complete Visitor’s Guide
The pre-Inca ruins of Kuelap are unlike anywhere else. Discover all there is to know about this archaeological site in northern Peru, from its history to how to travel there!
August 6, 2020archeology, peru
140+ New Nazca Lines Discovered in Peru
Using artificial technology, a team of scientists have found 143 new Nazca Lines, including glyphs of humans, animals, and abstract shapes etched in the Peruvian desert floor.
Huaca Pucllana: The Ancient Peruvian Pyramid in Lima
Discover everything you need to know about Huaca Pucllana by exploring the history, cultural significance, tour options, museum, and on-site restaurant of these fascinating ruins.
The Twelve Angle Stone of Hatunrumiyoc
Learn more about the Twelve Angle Stone and how to visit this quintessential example of Inca masonry on display in Cusco – plus a special video of the site.
July 17, 2014archeology, peru
Inca Ice Maiden: Introducing Mummy Juanita
The Inca Ice Maiden Mummy Juanita's well-preserved remains were discovered atop a volcanic peak in southern Peru more than 20 years ago. Read about her story and visit her today!
April 2, 2014archeology, peru
Caral: The Oldest Civilization in the Americas
Caral was already a thriving metropolis when the great Pyramids of Egypt were only being built!!
A northern journey to ancient treasures in Peru
Peru's ancient treasures in the northern cities of Chiclayo and Trujillo rival those of any archaeological site in the Americas.
December 31, 2011archeology, peru, travel guides
Pre-Incan Civilizations in Peru and the Ancient Andes
This introduction to Peru’s other civilizations aims to balance the one-sided vision of Peruvian history and inspire a visit to pre-Inca ruin sites scattered across Peru.
Inca Trail Ruins: 5 Amazing Sites You’ll See Along the Way
Read up on the fascinating archaeological sites that you can visit while hiking the Inca Trail. These Inca Trail ruins are well worth exploring on your trek.
January 20, 2011archeology, peru, urban
Ruins in Lima: Archaeological Sites in Peru’s Capital
You should not dismiss Lima so quickly as there are a few noteworthy sites in the city and around that will be of interest to many history lovers.
April 28, 2010archeology, peru
The archaeological wonders of northern Peru
Interested in Peru beyond Macchu Picchu? Check out archaeological wonders of northern Peru and learn about pre-Incan civilizations.

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